Category Archives: Math

Me in numbers

For this assignment, I had to use math equations to explain stuff about me. Some things I did were my favourite hobbies, my dream job, and my favourite number. Here is the slideshow.

Math (line graph) :)

Today in math class my teacher gave us options of 3 options of line graphs and I chose the second one, here is the story.

There was a man that was going to be late for work. He didn’t have the car because his wife was using the car so he had to walk. The walk was about 15 minutes and he was supposed to be there in 10 minutes so he was going to be 5 minutes late. In the first 5 minutes, he started to run super-fast, 3 minutes later he kept going, then, he got tired so he slowed down. sometime later he went faster and faster!  he went even slower cause he knew he was almost there. Then he kept going and he got there.