Daily Archives: November 17, 2020

Egghead project

For the “Egghead” book I rate it 10/10 actually because I liked the way the characters were developed. And I liked that the author supported no bullying and she spread awareness about bullying prevention.  My artifact was a character analysis. I chose it because I wanted to show everyone the character development with 2 characters from the book. “Only trash would hurt a girl…right?”.  ”We never had these problems last year. Jenna and I were best friends. And Will was just….Will”. I chose these 2 quotes because they showed each of the character’s personalities and other people’s perspectives of what they thought about them.  I think that if I were to go through the process again of making the project I would definitely spend a lot more time on the drawings and make them more detailed, but other than that I really do like my project!

Click here to see my character analysis descriptions.

Here is a picture of Devan and Will. These were the two characters I selected for my project.